作為西安人的景甜,和李冰冰一樣,都有一種非常颯爽的美感,十分的大氣,沒有造作和嬌柔,戲內戲外給人的感覺都是直來直去的性子,這也許是受眾多「甜筒」喜歡的原因吧。她在穿衣搭配上也是非常的有感覺,天生麗質的她能搞定多種風格,今天我們就來看下他又甜又鹽的兩種風格吧。 甜系 休閒風 ... 居家未出的景甜在網上PO出了近照,沒有長胖的跡象,看來在家的時光是非常的自律的,黃色的大落肩OVERSIZE衛衣,又潮又可愛,簡單的搭配緊身褲,上松下緊的著裝,顯得非常的時尚。也顯得皮膚非常的白嫩。精緻的空氣劉海配上景甜那會說話的眼睛,美到不行,甜到不行。 ... 簡單極致的搭配,竟然也被她穿出了非常可愛的味道。Balenciaga的簡單T恤,在近幾天逐漸升溫的時候,居家穿是極為舒服的。顯得年輕又漂亮。簡單的衣服能搭出這樣的氣質,應該和平時健身是有很大的關係的,所以居家時光,也是不能夠忘記管理自己的身材的。 ... 特別令人羨慕的是她笑起來竟然眼角是沒有一絲皺紋的,對於30多歲的女人來說,這保養的功力真是太厲害了,看起來還是那樣的青春活力,滿滿的少女感,極簡的搭配因此變得甜美起來。 甜系 粉紅少女 ... 如果說衛衣是一種淡淡的甜,穿著粉紅禮服的景甜可以說是真的是甜到像仙女般的感覺。立裁的禮服前胸加上了兩個蝴蝶結,少女感爆棚,抹胸的邊上加上了流蘇的設計,增添了一些靈動的感覺。一字肩的設計露出漂亮的鎖骨和天鵝頸,非常的感性。長長的百裙下擺加上羽毛邊與珠子的搭配,仙女范十足 ... 雖然是禮服,但是卻沒有一般的禮服的那種莊重的感覺,粉嫩的色彩被景甜演繹成了一個甜甜公主的感覺。凹凸有致的造型加上精美的妝容,光彩照人。她身上的那種特有的大氣的感覺,也把禮服穿出了高貴的感覺。 鹽系 通勤風——西裝 ... 粗紡的毛呢料是去年和今年最火的料子了,這樣的衣服的粗獷風格和線條感,和女性的柔美能產生一種天然的碰撞感。大版型的粗紡黑白西裝,顯得中性風十足,簡單的挽袖穿著,又十分的隨性。簡單的白色內搭,也能不經意間的秀出「大好身材」。修身的鉛筆褲把一雙大長腿展現的淋漓盡致。這套通勤風搭配,A到不行。 ... 比起甜系的穿搭,中性風搭配的景甜,氣場更加的強大,精緻的五官感覺比男生都帥,有一些酷酷的感覺。粗紡的呢料西裝很適合小姐姐們凹造型,因為現在韓系搭配還是非常流行的,大鏈條的項鍊實在太酷,簡潔的搭配因為內搭的小細節,和配飾的粗獷感,更加的野性味道。 ... 看慣了平時盛裝出場的景甜,像這樣的極簡風格還真的是不多,畢竟印象中她就是甜美風格,簡單的針織內搭最適合這個晚春的季節,黑白的格紋料視覺上會有些灰灰的感覺。這樣組成了一套經典的黑白灰搭配, 黑白灰的搭配基本上適合所有人的氣質,如果找不出搭配感覺時,可以嘗試一下 景甜可以很甜,也可以很鹽,這兩個風格的她,你喜歡哪一種呢。 本文原創:峰哥衣衣不舍。圖片均來自於網絡,如有侵權,請聯繫刪除。 如需轉載,請註明出處。抄襲必究!




  If you think of your children as the children living inside your heart, how would you treat them?

  You would try to walk in their shoes. You would see the world from a child’s point of view, and allow your children to see things from your perspective.

  You would treat children with true respect and understand their thoughts whole-heartedly without indoctrinating, spoiling, or scolding them.

  You would share true emotion with children and observe carefully and understanding the meaning behind children’s every behavior without making decisions for them or overly interfering and criticizing them.

  Then you will realize that each child is gifted in his or her own special way and that the child outside does not need to be taught.

  In this book, Dr. Hus provides 48 tips for parents to be truly happy with themselves and with their children.


Dr. Tien-Sheng Hsu

  Dr. Tien-Sheng Hsu is a graduate of the Taipei Medical University. He worked as a specialist in family medicine at the Renai branch of the Taipei City Hospital but transferred to psychiatry to gain a deeper understanding of how the human psyche affects the body. He was later a psychiatrist with the Taipei City Psychiatric Center and the director of the mental health department at the Taipei County Hospital. He enjoys Zen meditation and writing, and has been featured as a regular columnist on spiritual matters in the United Daily News, the family section of the China Times, the spiritual helper section of Great News, the family section of the Liberty Times and the medical section of the China Times.

  Apart from his background in orthodox medicine, he has studied holistic health philosophies for nearly 20 years and favors Seth. Dr. Hsu has been studying holistic health philosophy and practice for body, mind and spirit for nearly two decades and has many insights to share on cancer therapy and relapse prevention.  In Holistic Health Development Groups and the "Beautiful Life Cancer Patient Development Group,” he applies the theories and techniques unknown or ignored by the modern medicine world and has achieved impressive results. He has also been invited to speak in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, the US and Canada, winning popular acclaim every time.

  To help more people, Dr. Hsu established Seth Publishing in 2007. This was followed by the setting up of the New Age Seth Culture and Education Foundation and the Seth Holistic Clinic in 2008. Hopefully, everyone will realize that disease is a symptom of inner imbalance and conflict. Any "treatment" of disease must therefore ultimately be based on the restoration of "mental, physical and spiritual balance." This is something that can be achieved through constant self-study, self-awareness and enlightenment.


  • ISBN:9789866436437
  • 叢書系列:
  • 規格:平裝 / 232頁 / 16k菊 / 14.8 x 21 x 1.16 cm / 普通級 / 雙色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 本書分類:> >
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